Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/315

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and after playing for about half an hour, on a baſlee, a fort of inſtrument conſiſting of a tube made of the ſhell of a pumbkin, and connected with two ſmall reeds, through which the founds paſs from the tube applied to the mouth, he has deſired ſome perſon in the crowd to take off the cloth, and the ſame branch, to the ſurpriſe of every beholder, appeared laden with fruit and bloſſoms. It would be endleſs to deſcribe their other deceptions, which are equally unaccountable as wonderful. Their incantation of ſnakes, in particular, has been attributed by many of your countrymen, to magic and the power of the devil. Their hooded ſnakes, as they call them, are (brought from place to place incloſe baſkets, which
