Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/325

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figure, is the rhinoceros, called by the modern Indians, abadu; it is not unlike the wild boar, but much larger, having thicker feet and a, more unwieldy body. It is covered, with large hard ſcales of a blackiſh colour, which are divided into ſmall ſquares, raiſed a little above the ſkin, and nearly reſembling thoſe of the crocodile. It's head, which is large, is wrapped up behind in a: kind of capuchin; it's mouth is little; but its ſnout extends to a great length, and is armed with along thick horn, which makes him terrible to other animals) it's tongue is is rough as a file, and a ſort of wings like thoſe of the bat, cover the belly.
