Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/334

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till the others would come up. Near the place where they concealed themſelves, three Chokeedars lay aſleep, and three Seapoys raſhly fired, which had almoſt defeated the ſuceeſs of the enterprise, and ſacrificed the lives of the little party, which was ſoon ſurrounded by alarmed numbers of the garriſon. Before they had recovered from their aſtoniſhment, of ſeeing our gallant ſoldiers within their walls, thirty Seapoys had aſcended, and the reſt followed very faſt: a few ſhot and rockets were exchanged, and their principal Officer being wounded, the enemy diſmayed and confounded at the boldneſs of the undertaking, took ſhelter in the inner buildings of the fort, from
