Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/342

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was in their power. As the night approached, I ſunk to reſt, and forgot the dangers of my late journey in the ſweet oblivion of ſleep. Next morning, finding myſelf tolerably reſtored, I made my acknowledgments to theſe humane people, whoſe foot-ſteps, an all-ruling orovidence muſt, in that criſis, have directed, to ſave me from impending ſolution; and having gone forthwith to the Fouzdar of Gooldengunge, and given him up my money and bills, I related the ſtory of my adventures: he ſeemed much affected at the recital, and detained me till the ſupplies for the uſe of the troops were purchaſed; a part was ſent by water to Caunpore; and the reſt by land, conſiſiting of ſeve-
