Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/361

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was to be eſcorted by a proper guard to the frontiers; in the other to meet with the greateſt protection.

A principal part of the property taken at Bidgegur, became a prize to the captors, as a reward for their ſervices. A letter written by the Governor to Major Pepham, during the ſiege; was underſtood as giving a ſanction to ſuch a diſtribution of the ſpoil. The Officers acted with I'd much expedition in the buſineſs, that their dividend, with that of the privates, was apportioned in two days after the place was taken, and the reſidue went to the Company (illegible text) Scenes of joy and conviviality (illegible text) ſucceeded the toils of war; a(illegible text) private ſoldier, as well as