Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/374

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Alas! deſtructive war, with ruthless hand,
Unbinds each; fond-connection; render tie,
And tears from friendſhip'sg boſm all that's dear,
Spreading dire carnage thro' the peopled globe;
Whilſt fearleſs innocence, and trembling guilt,
In one wide waſte, are ſuddenly involv'd.
War wake's the lover's, friend's and orphan's ſigh,
And on empurpled wing; bears death along,
With haggard terror, and with wild diſmay,
And deſolation in me ſavage train :
From ſlow conſuming time, his lazy ſcythe,
With ruffian violence is torn away.
To ſweep, at once, whole Empire: to the grave.

Near Jouanpour is a ſpacious chapel much frequented by the Mahometans, under which is a ſubterraneous cavern extending a conſiderable length of way. It is a fort of a arſenal, and ſerves as an aſylum for the natives in time of war, as the entrance to it, is only known to
