Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/392

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ing up and down, of whom they make an inſtant prey, Along the banks are many villages, at about ten or twelve miles diſtance from each other, where we ſometimes laid in a freſh ſupply of proviſions. There is no diſplay of art in the conſtruction of the cottages, which are only compoſed of broad green flags faſtened together, and ſupported by frames of bamboes. When the floods begin to overflow the country, the natives, with much eaſe, remove their dwellings from one place to another, firſt taking them aſunder, then tolling up the partitions and roofs, and finally carrying them in bundles, wherever convenience of ſituation, out of the reach of danger, might allure them
