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n order to attract his attention: he, at laſt, took particular notice of me, obſerving that I ſurveyed him with a kind of ſecret ſatiſfaction; and in a very friendly manner, aſked me how I would like living with the Europeans: this unexpected encouragement, as it flattered my hopes beyond expreſſion, occaſioned a very ſudden reply: I therefore told him with eager joy, how happy he could make me, by taking me with him. He ſeemed very much pleaſed with me, and aſſuring me of his future kindneſs, hoped I would merit it. Major Herd was in company with him at the ſame time: and both theſe Gentlemen appeared with, diſtinguiſhed eclat in the firſt aſſemblies in India. I was decently
