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inclination. I was extremely affected at her preſence; yet my deep ſenſe of gratitude to a ſincere friend completed my duty to an affectionate parent, and made me determine in favour of the former: I would not go, I told her---I would ſtay in the camp; her dſappointment ſmote any foul---ſhe ſtood ſilent---yet I could perceive ſome tears ſucceed each other, ſtealing down her cheeks---my heart was wrung---at length, ſeeing my reſolution fixed as ſate, ſhe dragged herſelf away, and returned home in a ſtate of mind beyond my power to deſcribe. Mr. Baker was much affected, and with his brother Officers, endeavoured to find amuſement for me. I was taken out, every morning, to ſee the
