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dy to receive the number of men deſtined to ſerve in that quarter, we marched into 'Tis a fine

ſquare building, made entirely of brick, on the margin of the Gauges, and covers both ſides of the road: on the eaſt ſide, oppoſite the river, were the Captain's apartments, conſiſting of two bed Chambers and a dining room, with convenient out-offices, ſtables, and kitchen, at the back of the barrack: little diſtance farther out on: the line, was the General's. reſidence, an elegant and ſtately building; commanding a full view of the country many miles round. It was finiſhed in the greateſt ſtyle, and furniſhed in a ſuperb manner: the aſcent to it was by ſeveral flights of marble ſteps,
