Page:The True Story of the Vatican Council.djvu/101

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The True Story of the Vatican Council.

archbishops and bishops selected from each of the chief nations in the Council.

The list was as follows:—

Twelve cardinals—Patrizi, Antonelli, di Pietro, de Angelis, Barili, and Monaco; Cardinals Corsi, Archbishop of Pisa; Riario Sforza, Archbishop of Naples; Rauscher, Archbishop of Vienna; de Bonnechose, Archbishop of Rouen; Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin; Moreno, Archbishop of Valladolid.

Two patriarchs—Antioch and Jerusalem.

Ten Archbishops—Thessalonica, Sardis, Turin, Sorrento, Tours, Westminster, Valencia, Malines, Santiago in Chili, and Baltimore.

Two Bishops—Paderborn and Messina.

The other commissions were to be elected by the universal suffrage of the Council.

The commission of Faith, which consisted of twenty-five, was elected in the third General Congregation on the 20th of December, as follows:—The Archbishop of Edessa (Roman), Archbishop of Modena, the Bishop of Treviso and Calvi (Italian), the Archbishop Primate of Gran (Hungarian), the Bishop of Brixen Austrian), the Bishops of Ratisbon and Paderborn (German), Archbishop of Cambrai and Bishop of Poitiers (French), Archbishop of Saragossa and Bishop of Jaen (Spanish), Archbishops of Westminster (English), of Cashel (Irish), of Utrecht