Page:The True Story of the Vatican Council.djvu/108

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The True Story of the Vatican Council.

pleasant it is to walk in the house of God in unity and peace. As our Lord gave to his apostles, so I, his unworthy Vicar, in his Name give peace to you. That peace, as you know, casts out fear; that peace shuts the ear to unwise words; that peace, may it go with you in all the days of your life; may that peace be with you in death; may that peace be your everlasting joy in heaven."

This account is given in full that a true estimate may be made of the care and deliberation with which the decrees of the Council were elaborated.

6. After the third Public Session followed the discussion on discipline relating to bishops, which lasted through seven sittings, in which thirty-seven spoke.

This again was followed by another relating to the clergy, which likewise occupied seven sittings and thirty-eight speakers.

Then followed the schema on the Little Catechism, which took up six sittings; forty-one speakers joined in it.

These discussions were not closed until no one desired to speak.

From these facts it will be evident that the amplest time and latitude of discussion was permitted from the outset of the Council, and the same will be hereafter still more manifest at its close.

All the schemata hitherto mentioned were referred