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Rambles and Adventures of Our School Field Club. With Four Illustrations. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 55.

DAVIES (Rev. J. L.), M.A. Theology and Morality.

Essays on Questions of Belief and Practice. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 7S. 6d.

DAWSON (George), M.A. Prayers, with a Discourse on Prayer. Edited by his Wife. Third Edition, Crown 8vo. Price 6s.

DE KERKADEC (Vicomtesse Solange).

A Chequered Life, being Memoirs of the Vicomtesse de Leoville Meilhan. Edited by. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 7*. 6d.

DE L'HOSTE (Col. E. P.). The Desert Pastor, Jean

Jarousseau. Translated from the French of Eugene Pelletan. With a Frontispiece. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, price 3$. 6d.

DE REDCLIFFE (Viscount Stratford), P.C., K.G., G.C.B.

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DE TOCQUEVILLE (A.). Correspondence and Conversations of, with Nassau William Senior, from 1834 to 1859. Edited by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. Post 8vo. Cloth, price 215.

DE VERE (Aubrey).

. Alexander the Great. A

Dramatic Poem. Small crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$.

The Infant Bridal, and

Other Poems. A New and Enlarged Edition. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, price 7$. 6d.

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English Sonnets. Collected and Arranged. Elegantly bound. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, price 35. 6d.

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DOW DEN (Edward), LL.D. Shakspere: a Critical Study of his Mind and Art. Second Edition. Post 8vo. Cloth, price 125.

Poems. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth,

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DOWNTON (Rev. H.), M.A. Hymns and Verses. Original and Translated. Small crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3^. 6d.

DRAPER (J. W.), M.D., LL.D.,

Professor in the University of New York.

History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. Ninth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5-y.

Volume XIII. of The International Scientific Series.