Page:The True Story of the Vatican Council.djvu/32

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The True Story of the Vatican Council.

2. Whether a previous communication should be made to the Catholic princes.

3. Whether, before publishing the bull for convoking the Council, the Sacred College ought to be consulted, and how it should be done.

4. Whether it was opportune to form an extraordinary congregation, which should occupy itself with the direction of matters concerning the Council.

5. Whether the aforenamed congregation, which should take the name of Congregation of Direction, ought, after the publication of the bull, at once to consult certain bishops of various nations, that they might point out in a summary way the matters, whether of doctrine or of discipline, which they might think it opportune for the Council to treat, regard being had to the needs of their respective countries.

To these questions the five cardinals answered in the following way:—

To the first, the fourth, and the fifth affirmatively.

To the second negatively. But they added that it was nevertheless good and convenient that, at the time of publishing the bull, such steps as were opportune should be taken by the Holy See in respect to the Catholic princes.

To the third they answered affirmatively, but they added that it belonged to the Pope to decide in what way the Sacred College should be consulted.