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The True Story of the Vatican Council.

the Church." The Pope answered in substance as follows:—

I accept your good wishes from my heart, but I remit their verification to the hand of God. We are in a moment of great crisis. If we look only to the aspect of human events, there is no hope; but we have a higher confidence. Men are intoxicated with dreams of unity and progress, but neither is possible without justice. Unity and progress based on pride and egotism are illusions. God has laid on me the duty to declare the truths on which Christian society is based, and to condemn the errors which undermine its foundation. And I have not been silent. In the encyclical of 1864, and in that which is called the Syllabus, I declared to the world the dangers which threaten society, and I condemned the falsehoods which assail its life. That act I now confirm in your presence, and I set it again before you as the rule of your teaching. To you, venerable brethren, as bishops of the Church, I now appeal to assist me in this conflict with error. On you I rely for support. I am aged and alone, praying on the mountain; and you, the bishops of the Church, are come to hold up my arms. The Church must suffer, but it will conquer. " Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, entreat, rebuke, with all patience and doctrine." For there shall be a time—and that time is come—"when they will not endure sound doctrine." The world will contradict you, and turn from you; but be firm and faithful. "For I am even now ready to be sacrificed, and the time of my dissolution is at hand." "I have, I trust, 'fought a good fight,' and 'have kept the faith,' and there is laid up for you, and I hope for me also, 'a crown of justice which the Lord, the just Judge, will render to me at that day.'"[1]

5. If we look upon the Centenary only as a demonstration of moral power and of the superiority of the