Page:The Truth about China and Japan - Weale - 1919.djvu/240

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Truth about China and Japan

and exempt such from likin and other inland miscellaneous charges, but the Contractors must furnish full lists of all machinery material in order that they may be examined and then hucTiows be issued for these consignments. As to other matters, the regular ordinary regulations in force in China shall be followed.

16. Should Chinese products of suitable quality and cheaper price be available for use among the material needed for the Telegraphic Station such products shall be given first preference.

17. This Agreement is done in three exemplars, each, in the Chinese and English languages. Should there arise any difference in interpretation of any point, the English version shall be the authoritative text.

(Signed) The Ministry of the Navy of the Eepublic of China. The Representative of Messrs. The Mitsui Co. Done in the

7th Year of the Republic of China, on the 21st Day of February.

Note to the Ministry of the Navt from Me. Omuea, Representative of Messrs. Mitsui & Co. Gentlemen, 21st February.

With reference to the Supplementary Articles of Agreement, in Article 2 it is stated that while the