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While he might marry either one, it is certain that he will not be equally happy with either one. And it may be that neither one in his true mate. Men often seem to have an infinite capacity for falling in love, but how deep and true is the love of such a man?

I remember the case of a man I knew who fell desperately in love with one girl after another, but the girls did not respond to his appeal. Then came two sisters into his life. He finally married the one who was not at all adapted to him, who did not sympathize with him, did not understand him.

Her sister did understand him and would have made him a wonderful wife, for she loved him most devotedly. He really did not love either, he only fancied he did. His married life was a failure.

Of course, one cannot love two people of the opposite sex at the same time in the way that one ought to love his wife. He may think he loves either one well enough to marry her. A polygamist can divide up his regard among many women, but a polygamist does not know what marriage is, for marriage is the love of one man for one woman. A polygamist has the regard for his wives that a rooster has for his hens, and many men are of the polygamous type. They have never developed out of the animal class.
