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marriage with the provision that there shall be no offspring unless desired is to enter it selfishly and cold-bloodedly. Only sophisticated people could do it. It places the individual's sexual pleasure above the normal purpose of marriage, above the normal instincts of human beings as lovers and potential parents, it degrades marriage into a mere animal condition.

Furthermore, easy divorce is the last thing in the minds of those who truly love each other, and love is the only basis for marriage. Lust is no basis at all.

It is perfectly true that marriage as it now exists is often a failure, but it is too often a failure because it is entered into as lust sanctioned by law. People with bestial passions desire one another's bodies. Lust is cruel and filled with the spirit of hate as soon as it is gratified.

If marriages are failures now, will it improve matters to invite people to enter them more freely by taking away responsibilities and offering easy divorce? If modern conditions are degenerate, what benefit will ensue from legalizing degeneracy? Sex-relationship in itself is not evil, nor wicked, if orderly and in harmony with the laws of human nature and society; but there is nothing more disorderly or terrible in its effects if animated by a bestial spirit.

Shall we not endeavor to restrain and eliminate
