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Canada—British Monarchy being freer than American Republicanism.

Yes, indifferent as a majority of the American people are to the claims of humanity, honour, and justice; and apostate as are a large portion of the politicians, ministers, and church members, to the principles of Republicanism and Christianity, with reference to their treatment of Slaves and the coloured people: it is to us a cause of profound gratitude to that Great Being who declares that "He is no respecter of persons." He has raised up a company of men and women to contend for truth and freedom against the combined influence of false Democracy and impure Christianity; and to wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Thanks to God for all the success he has given to efforts begun and continued in his name, in accordance with his spirit, and in reliance upon his promises. It is obvious to every intelligent and candid looker on, that the Anti-Slavery cause, in spite of the sneers of opponents, the denunciations of men in power, and the designs of the crafty, is steadily pursuing its march to a glorious consummation. Its progress may be retarded by diabolical cupidity, cruelty, and knavery of demons in human shape, who kidnap, enslave, or torture their unoffending and helpless fellow-men, in