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In one unity of love,
Blissful as the life above;
Ye who speak and wield the pen,
Eloquent for rights of men,
And would proudly spurn the thought
That if you had skins less fair,
You might then be sold and bought,
And the galling fetters wear.
Pass him on!
Pass him on! Pass him on!
Though his foes be legion;
Though the bloodhounds on his track
Yelling, strive to bring him back.
Though man-hunters from the South
Threat you with the pistol's mouth,
And the federative law
Would your spirits overawe;
Heed them not; imprisonment!
Take it, and be well content;
Heed them not; endure the fine,
Grow, through sacrifice divine;
Do as you'd be done unto,
Careless of the consequence;
Keep the higher law in view
Heed not ruffian violence.
Pass him on!

Pass him on! Pass him on!
Let him lie your couch upon;
Give him raiment, give him food,
Give him kindly words and good;