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it of their neighbours or left it to go to wreck, and have bought leased, or rented much larger farms elsewhere, which I think upon the whole is infinitely better than the fromer. While the course pursued by this Fugitive in the former case is not to be lost sight of. It shows a spirit of enterprise and a disposition to Trade, a Philanthropic feeling for the elevation of his degraded brethren, which he fully carried out in his own conduct during his life. He was the leader of his race in that portion of Canada. In the Fugitive Home are two schools built of hewed logs, perhaps there is school three months in the year, but oftener none at all, sometimes for the want of teachers, at other times for want of money to pay teachers.

Goverment pays only one half of the teachers salary, the other portion the parents in the districts are responsible for. The Teachers must collect themselves. The fact is, they seldom have school. The school-houses are used for worship on Sundays, when they can get preachers, but few preachers like to go into the back woods, if they did they do not like to go through snow, very often half-leg deep, or knee deep. Therefore, they have but few sermons during Winter. Upon the whole there is a great amount of spiritual bareness, and intellectual ignorance. As for industry, I find no fault, in general. Intelligence does not by any means keep pace with the industrial habits of the coloured people of Canada. That is