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gets into a tree, when they are given meat; after which they learn them to follow any particular Negro, by scent. A shoe, or piece of clothing, is taken off a Negro, and the dogs are taught to scent out the owner of it, and to tree him. When the Drivers take a Negro that has not a pass or free paper, and they don't know whose Slave he is, they confine him in gaol, and advertise him. If no one claims him within a year, he is sold to the highest bidder, at a public sale."

I quite understand the method of training dogs, as I have seen it many times. Sometimes they drag a child on the ground, holding the puppy's nose to the place until he follows voluntarily. Occasionally they suffer the dog to bite it a little so as to taste the blood, and thus make it vicious. Slavery is, as the venerable John Wesley said, "the sum of all villainies."

I record the escape of a Slave from the foregoing writer, who says, "A few years since, a noble-looking Black called on me. He was a Fugitive, and had walked 1,800 miles, from Louisiana to New York, without speaking to more than three white men. It was his third attempt to escape from Slavery. He left a wife and children behind him, hoping that, at some future day, he could make arrangements to bring them out of Slavery. He said, that at the second attempt, he was pursued by men and blood-hounds, who attacked, and almost killed