Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/147

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Like a eapling he ?prung, he was f? to the He woe true Vance o?k, boys, the older he The' his b?dy was weak, ?d �s ha? ?y were When lhe si?al w? ?v'n, he the ?mt went The velerans all cry'd, ?'11 one day le? the van, For the' raied a boy, he'd ?e soul of a man, And the he?t of a true Yankee sailor. When to manh?d pmmot? ?d bu?ng for Still in ?a? or in w?, Ha? ?1? w? the ? So ? to his love, and in batlie ? brave? The my?!e and la?el eatw?'d o'er hM gm?. For his ?umry he fell, when by vi?o? crown'd, The ?ag shot away, fell in tatte? aro?d, The f? tho?ht he'd stru?, b? he sung out And Columbia's colo? he nail'd to lhe ram, ?d died like a true Va? ?or. ?E ? G? AT ? L? h? who. sighs in sadne? he?, Rejoi? and know a friend is near; What heav'nly sounds are tho? I heart What ?ing comes the gloom to chart ?en in the sto? on ?bion's ?m, The night-watch ?rda h? w? ?y From t?hts of ?r f?; He mar? ?me v?l'a d?ky f?, ?d beam, ? t? how?g ?e minute ? at ? Swift on the shore .a hardy few, The life-I:oat man, with a gallant, gallant And dam the dang'ross wave; Through the wild surf they cleave thor Lost in the foam, nor know disma? For they go the crow to ?.v?