Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/164

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It Jell on the li?, And soon was hid, For elos'd wan the M&rbet'a frave. Now o'er lds 1o? bM th? br?r ? And the wiM flow'rs mumfully w&ve? And the willow weeps, And the moen-bemn deepo, On the Mariner's orient gin. re. A ,TOLLY cOJ?flFI?O ill the !?rt, a �earle? mate &t sea; '?rhen I forg?t thee, to my hamt ?'a]aa may the ? be! And ma?v my gallant battle-flag be strieken down it shame, If, when the social can goes round, name ! Ul? ?, my l?ds! cheer?. Ned Bolton, the commander of the Black Sn?e v&teer! Po?r Ned! he had a heart of eteel, wi[h ne/ther /law deck? He was, ! trow, a welcome man to mauy an Indian dame, bis-nmn6; But new, Jami may woup--ich q[ps securely