Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/225

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? COMIC SOWG8. You hng them--her gallant is burstin? with ' That th?ht's 1? to ?erm, ? , ?e ? c?t you m?y a ?y and shilling; You b?d them with p!e?u?, with trouble ?t one t? a ?e, a? another a villain,? ' My he? ?uld not ? it, dear Doctor Mo?.' But v?tue ?d'?auty h? m?y a f? O, think what may hap?n; ? nipt ? their bl?m!' ' ? ?ct?, I'H ?ank you te h? ? my I'm ?r, I'll d?-k with you, em that you I'H never ? ?cken for w? or But love my relatio? an? D?tor Mon?. I pl?y ?r?ive were I wedded to My ?a? ?d my please, I nee? m? ?re?.' He etill lives a bachelor; dBn? when he*s thi?y; ?d s? like a l?k, and ?ves Doctor Mo?. T?t ?s a la?'s mai& But ? they ?ch? a walk o? ?y met a pm?g Sally she did ?t away, Whii? ?n he w? T? al, Enoch to shock a ?int,