Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/231

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OLD ME. AND YOUNG MRS. TRIM. As you've all called upon me to give you a song, 1'11 sing you a queer one, that's not very long, About an old husband, and young Mrs. Trim, A vixen, that very off quarrelled with h/re. Tol lol, &c. 'Twas one Sunday morning when all but great sinners, These people were talking of cooking their dinners, Says he, I'll have' roast, and I will not be foiled, Says she, but you shall, for the leg shall be boiled. Tol 1ol, &c. They then got to blows, and made quick an uproar, Which disturbed a gent living upon the first Who up stai?s did run, and first did begin With words, but soon after knocked down Mr. Trim. Tol 1ol, &c. When M?s. Trim saw her old husband used so, With the fat leg of mutton she hit Brown a blow, Say/ng, "what's that to you, if Tim quarrels with I?" Then she hit him another hard thump on the eye. Tol 1ol, &c. Says Brawn, I'll be hanged if I meddle again, For I get nought but grease and a great deal o? pe/n; So husbands a?d wives they may fight if they will, All I'll say will he that they may fight away still. Tol 1ol, &c. LAWYER, FLAM, HIS WIFE, AND FLAM'9 GHOST. Ox,x? Flare was a law?.er so grim, He married his maid, people say ;-