Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/235

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?,? COMIC To perfect/on come, 'Humming all the trade is, Ladies lovers hum?---- "- Lovers hum the ladies. Towdy rowdy dow, Ere Ha'n?t Brltannia's sons Often hummed Mounseer? Ha'n't they hu.mme? the Done. ? Let their fleets appear! ,Shy'ks they must, though loth, . Ships, with dollars crammed, H' they're not hummed both, Then will I be d--d; Tewdy rowdy dow, &c? Fao?a .Briahto? two Paddies walk'd under the For pebbles and shells to explore; When, 1o! a-malt barrel was dropp'd from a akiff? Which floated at.length to shore. Says Dermot to Pat, we the owner wilt bilk, To nigh.t w?. 't! be: ..n?rry ?nd ?rishy, I know it as . ?1 y mother's milk? we nam owll Dear joy! 'tss a barrel of whisky. Says Pat, I'll soon broach it, O fortunate lot! (Now Pat, you must know was a joker,) I'll go to Tom Murphy, who lives in the cot, And barrow his kitchen hot poker.

Twas said, and 'twas done--the barrel was bor'd,

(No Bacchannais ever felt prouder,) When'Paddy found out a small error on board? The whisky, alas! was gunpowderl With sudden explosion, he flew o'er the ocean, And h/gh in air sported a leg;