Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/259

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,?.TORY SONGS, This is lovew-eareless love-- Such as kin?lleth hearts that rov?. To ke%o one'secred flame Through life unchili?d, unmov'd; To love in winCry age the same That first in youth we lov'(!'; To feel tha?we adore To such refin'd excess, That though the heart would break with more, We' could not live with isis; .?This is love--faithful 1ov? '?: Sfich as the saints above SWISS MAID. Coax haste thee, come haste thee, my bonny Swiss maid, Take thy eloak?_??,l? away; The plighted Io??, For true's my 'love,' Then haste thee, come hute thee, my bonny ~ maid, Take thy cloak, and to church let's away. Am not I, am not I, then a happy Swiss maid ? Now bless'd-with my own true love; My shepherd swain to welcome home, And hail with joy each's return, Am not I, am not I, time ? happy' Swiss maid, Now bless'd own true love .* Now at eve? now at eve, see the happy Swiss maid, In her cot with contentment and peace; There's nought disturbs, devoid of cam, Her rest is sweet, she knows no fear Then ' gdod night,' ?ud ' good night,' goes the happy Swiss maid? In her cot, to her qlumbem in peace. ..a? 0,?,?,?Google