Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/271

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?68 ?ENTI,"Y[I?NTA L Oh ! what was love made for if tis not the same Through joy and through torments, through glory' and shame ! I knew not i ask'd not if guilt's in that heart, But [ know that [ love thee, wha.lever thou irt ! Thou call'st me thy angel in moments of bliss,-- Stdl thy angel I'ii be 'mid the horrors of this,- Through the furnace unshrinking, thy steps to lmrsue, And shield thee, and safe thee, or perish there too ! H0S, SWaT M?D pleasures and palaces, though we may ream, Be it ever so hhmble, there's no place like home; A charm from the skies seems to ha!low us there, Which, seek through the world, is not met with else- where; Hem.e, home--sweet, sweet home ! There's no place like home, there's no place like home. An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain; Oh ! give me my lonely thatch'd cottage again, Where the birds sing gaily that come at my cell; Give me these, with the peace of mind dearer than all; Home, home--sweet home; There's no place !?ke horn?, there's no place ? home. THE BEACON, OR LIGHT-HOUSE. THE scene was more beautiful far to my eye, Than if day in its pride had array'd it; The land breeze blew mild, and the. azure ftrch'd sky Look'd pu?-e as the spirit that made it.- The mummr rose soft as I silently g .az'd On the ohadbwy waves playful motion,