Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/277

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SENTIMENTAL SON Gfl'.. THE LAYENDER GIRL. As the sun climtm o'er the'hills, ?,?hen the sky !ark-sings so cheerily I my little basket And trudge along the village merr? Light my Sonora, light my heart, ! but laugh at Cupid's dart; i keep ?ny mother, mysel? and brother, By trudg?g along to ? my lavender Ladies try it, come and buy it, Never sa?r ye nicer hlvondlm; Ladies try it. try it, try it. Come, come, buy my lavender. Ere the gentry quit their beds, Foes to health, I'm wisely keep/nf it; Oft I earn my daily bread, And sit beneath the hedge partaking it. Ne'er repining, ne'er'distress'ds Tell me then am not I bless'? ? Tho' not wealthy, I'm young and healthy, And only care to sell my lavendor. Ladies, try it, THE YOUNG TROUBADOUR. To the m0untain's wild echo I warble my lays, And harmt0n I wander thro' woods and thro' The peasant, by moonlight, oft strays o'er the To welcome the song of* the young Troubadour. 0.* come to the lattice, and list to my lay; Wave, wave thy fair hand and bid me to stay; 0.* grant but this boon, I ask for no more, 'Twill enliven the song o� the young Troubadour. Then I'll sing the old ditties of' heroes that dieds ,and of moMen? lib you. for whom.lovers have