Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/31

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And sent to br&ve Sackson the son? o? the ?t, To wet? ?d bu? t? ?nes o? the Brave ?as o? the West, all Euro? w?l pr? ? Th?pr?m?tne? ?ith w?ch you ?o?'d your The wor? will ?dmit that yo? conduct displs)? A zeal to move?on with t "?eat ?'on Wellington's duko; who ? Fmn? and ? ? sac?fi?d lemons of Buona?e's m?, W?l swear, when he hea? that h? ?ne? are ?, O? Westin backwo?en am certa?!y ?artars. ? ?IC? STY, CoM? st?ke the ?ld ?them, the w?o? ? h?l- ing. A?ready they e?rly sn? up the? ?; The re.d cloud of w? o'er o? fores? ? s?wl?g, So?. ?ace spreads her wings, and ?i? weepi? away; The ?nts ?righted, cling clo? to their mother, The youths ?p their swor&, for ?e ?m?t p?e; While beauty wee? fathem and 1ove? ?d bro?e?, Who ?h to &s?ay the ?c? Sty. Come blow the ?ill b?le?the loud drum aw?e? The dread ? ?i?let the ?onon &ep r?; No he?t with pale ?ar, ? f?t doub?n? ? ' No slave's hostile foot leave a print on o? shore; Sh?l mother, wives, daughter, ?d siste? le? wee? ?g, InsUred by r?ans, be-dragg'd to despalr? Oh n?from the hills the proud eagle comes swecp? ?d waves to ?e brave the Americ? Sty. The ?ts of W?on, W?mn, Momg?ery, Look down from the ciou& with br?ht ?ct