Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/41

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NATIONAI? SONGS. DAY OF GLORY. . Ax?t--" Scots wha hoe." Dx,z of glow, wel?me day? Fre?om's ban? ?t thy my, See, how ?ffully they play, Wiffi the m?rning b?. On the mc? ?em pi!?ms k?el'd, On the ?h?e ?em equ? wh?l'd ?en a tyr?t'e thunder ?'d 0'? the ?mbl?g sea, ? ef a? did ' ?hy s? ? ?, ?d ?m his ? the.?avi? t? �e ?!dier? ?, for.f?m d?d. e?s of ? hi!?, Now ? ?o? ? o?; O, 1? 'f?msn ? our ?ns; And ?et f? W?hin? R?, to !ea? thor vali?t ? T? ?h? ? no ?m. BByythe patriot's hallowed rest, � the warrior's gory breast, Never let our graves. be pressM By a despot's throne: BBythe pilgrim's toils .and earess y their bffitles and tbe|r prayerss By* their asbes,--!et our heirs Bow to thee alone.