Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/65

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?:? BCOTGH 80NGZ. The clans they are gath'ring, gath'r?ng, gath'rlng, The clans they are gath'ring by loch and by The banners they are ?ying, flying, flying, -. The barmars they are flying that lead to .victory. Draw the sword, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland.* Charge as ye've charged in the days o' hmg syria; Sound to the onset, the onset, the onset, �He who but falters is nee son o' thine. Sheathe the sword, Scotland, 8c.otland, Scotianell Sheathe the ?word, S?othnd, ?or dhnmed ?s The foeman are fleeing, fleeing, fleeing, And wha ken nee mercy is nee son o' thine! The struggle is over, over, over, The struggle is over!--the victory There are tears for the fallen, the Fallen, the f'allen, And glory for all who their duty have done! Sheathe the sword, Scotland, Scotland, ScotlinK!! With thy loved thistle new laurels entwine; Time sh?11 ne'er part them, part them, part thom, But hand down the garland to each aon o' .. GOOD NIGHT, AN' JOY BE Wl' YOU A'. Good night, and joy be wi' you Your harmless mirth has cheer'd mY heart; May lira's fell blasts out o*er ye blew; In sorro3? may ye never part.* My spirit lives, but strength is gone; - The mountain fires now bla7? in vain:. Remember, sons, the deeds I've done, And in your deeds I'll live again.* , When on your muir our gallant elan ? boastling foes their banners tore, WZm show'd himself a better man, Or flercer wev'd the red claymore. ? But w?em .in peaearthen mark me there-- When through the glen the wand'far came,