Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/75

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SCOTCH SONGS. I chame'd tm meet a pretty ?d, She 8hin'd though it was fogie, I ask'd her name; Sweet sir, ?l, fmJd,. My name/s K?th'rine O?/e. I stood, &while, end did admire, To see t nymph so stately; 8o brisk an air thire did appear, In ? emmt? maid ? neatly, Such naturxl sw?etne? sl? display*d, Diaz?'s self was ne'er arr?y'd Liim ? same Kath'ri?e Ogb. Thou flow'r of f?x?!es, Be?uti?'s Who ? th? sur? mtmt ptizo thee, Though thou art dr?t in robes but me?m? Yet the? �m?not disgui? thee; Thy 'h?mdsome air, and graceful look, Far excels a clownish rogie; Tho?'?t m?toh for l?ird, or tord? or M?r ehxrming K?th'rine Ogi?. 0 ! wero ! but ?omo shepherd swain, To fee? my flock beside th?; '?t bughting-tinm to leave th? plxin, In milking to xbide th?; I'd think my?4f ? h?pp?er man, With ?to? my dub ?nd Thaa h? thxt h'ug? his thou?nd$ R? ]? but Kath'rine Ogie. Then ]["?1 despi? tho imperia! throne, And dxtesmen'? d?a?g'rou? stations; I'd b? no king, I'd we?x no crown, I'd smilo gt eonqu'ring n?tion?; Might I ?aress? and still poa?ss Thi? lass of whom I'm yogis; F9r they ar? toy? and still look 1?