Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/87

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L ? ?nn? lw, I w?k ? b?, A tinker is my station; . I've travelI'd round all christi? fromid In this my occupition. l've ta'en the fold, I'vo been enroll'd In ma W a noble squadron; But *vain they ?earch'd., when off I mateh'd To go and clout the caudron. , I've t&'eu th? gold, ?c. IL Despise that shrimp, tibet wither'd imp, Wi' a' his,noise and cap'rin, And taka share wi' those that beat The budget and tim And by that stowp*. my faith and houp, And by that dear kilbaigie, If e'er ye want, or rae?t wi' scant, May I ne'er weet my craigie. , And by that wtowp, R R'C IT./I TI P'O. The ?hdrd pr?vail'dmth' unblushing fair In his embraces mink, Partly wi' love o'ercome ?ae salt, An' partly she was drtmlL Sir Vieline wi' an ai? , That show'd a man of ?punk, _?ish'd unison between the pair,. "And, made the bottle clunk To their health that night. But hutchln Cupid shot a shaft Thdt nday'd'a dame a sherle,