Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/96

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IRISH May Heaven its blemtinp spmb$, On tier bestow them free, The Lovely maid of Erin, Who sweetly sanf to me. Had fortune fix'd my station, In some propitious hour, The m?n?rch of & !?tion, Endow'd with wealth and powzr, That wealth end power shori?, My peerless queen should be, The lovely nmM of Erin, Who sweetly mm$ to me. Althbu?h the restless ocean May long between u? roar, Yet while my heart has motion, She'll lod?e within its eomL For artless and endearing, And mild and young is she, �The lovely maid of Erin, Who sweetly sang to me, When fate gives int__im_ ation That my last hour is nif?h, With placid. reeifnatlon . 1'11 lay me d?)wn and die; �iJ?omi hope my bosom �heerinf, That I in heaven shall The lovely maid of' Erin, Who sweetly san? to me. W'As not Patriek O'I?It, sure, a broth of' a lad, Who bartered what money and baubles he had, For the love of' his sweethea?, Miss Kat? O'Ranit! Since he fell deep in love, faith.* no iouger ?e �.linde