Page:The Universe, a poem - Baker (1727).djvu/24

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His Wisdom form'd great Nature's mighty Frame,
And rules by Laws eternally the same.

Where's now thy Pride, which, lately dar'd to say,
The Stars were only made to light thy Way,
And all the Universe thy Pleasure to obey?
What impious Madness urg'd Thee on to call
Thy self the sole and sov'reign Lord of all?
If such Thou art, let some plain Proof be shown,
And make thine Empire o'er thy Vassals known:
Bid the Sun shine: command the Winds to cease,
Make the Rains fall: and chide the Seas to peace.
What! are these deaf?—once more exert thy Sway:
Try which of all thy Subjects will obey:
Enjoin the Tyger to refrain from Blood,
Or bid the Crocodile provide thy Food.
These know their King, perhaps, and will comply.—
Hail, mighty Lord!—what! does the Monarch fly?
