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ST. GEORGE'S, EDINBURGH. (D.C.M. and Coda.) đ
„ = 84. Psalm xxiv, 7-16, Scottish Psalter(1650).
Andrew Mitchell Thomson (1778-1831
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1. Ye gates, lift up your heads on high; Ye doors last for aye, Be lift-ed up, that so the King. Of glo-ry en-ter may.But who of glo-ry is the ting? The migh-ty Lord is this; Even that same Lord that great in might. And strong in. bat - tle is-
2. Ye gates, lift up your heads on high; Ye doors last for aye, Be lift-ed up, that so the King. Of glo-ry en-ter may. But who is he that is the king? Of glo-ry? who is this?The lord of hosts, and none but he The King of glo-ry is-