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Bring; O morn, thy music! bring, O night, thy silence! Oceans, chant the rapture to the storm-clouds coursing free! Sun and stars are singing,—thou art our Creator, Who Avert, and art, and overmore shalt be!
Life and death, thy creatures, praise thee, Mighty Giver! Praise and prayer are rising in thy beast and bird and tree Lo! they praise and vanish, vanish at thy bidding. Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be!
Light us! lead us! love us! cry thy groping nations, Pleading in the thousand tongues, but calling only thee, Weaving blindly out thy holy, happy purpose, Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be!
Life nor death can part us, thou Love eternal, Shepherd of the wandering star and wayward souls that flee! Homeward draws the spirit to thy Spirit yearning, Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be!