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VENIT HORA. (7 7.7 7.7 7.) 𝅗𝅥=72. John Stainer (1840-1001).

[By permission of Novello & Co. Ltd.]

James Montgomery (1771-1854).

Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the Tempter's power; Your Redeemer's conflict see; Watch with him one bitter hour; Turn not from his griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.
Follow to the judgement-hall; View the Lord of life arraigned; Oh, the wormwood and the gall! Oh, the pangs his Soul-sustained! Shun not suffering, shame, or loss; Learn of him to bear the cross.
Calvary's mournful mountain climb; There, adoring at his Feet, Mark that miracle of time, God's own Sacrifice complete: 'It is finished,' hear him cry;— Learn of Jesus Christ to die.
Early hasten to the tomb, Where they laid his breathless Clay; All is solitude and gloom, Who hath taken him away? Christ is risen;—he meets our eyes; Saviour, teach us so to rise!