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��GOUDA. (l.'.M.) d = SS.


��UEitTiiOLD Tonus (IbSS-lS'.l").

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��riii;i>KKRK WlM-IAM FaBER (18U-18(i3).

THY homo is with the hiimblo, Lord, The sijiiplest are ilio best ; Thy lodging is in child-like hearts ; Thou makeat there thy rest.

Dear Comforter ! Eteiiial Love !

If thou wilt stay with me, Of lowly thoughts and simple ways,

ril build a house for thee.

Who made 1 his beating heart of mine. But thou, my lieavenly Guest ?

Let no one have it, then, but thee, And let it be thy rest.

Thy sweetness hath beirayed thee, Lord !

Great Spirit ! is it thou ? Beeper and deeper in my heart,

I feel thee resting now.


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