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BEDMINSTER. (6 6. 6 6.) 𝅗𝅥=88. Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810–1870).

William Bullock (1798–1874).

We love the place, God, Wherein thine honour dwells The joy of thy abode All other joy excels.
We love the house of prayer, Wherein thy servants meet; For thou, Lord, art there Thy chosen ones to greet.
We love the sacred font; Wherein the holy Dove Pours out, as he is wont. The effluence from above.
We love our Father's board, Its altar steps are dear; For there, in faith adored, We find thy presence near.
We love thy saints who come Thy mercy to proclaim, To call the wanderers home. And magnify thy name.
Our first and latest love To Zion shall be given, The house of God above. On earth the "ate of heaven.