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��JoHAXN ScHEFFLER (1024-1077). 7;-. Joitx Wesley (1703-1791).
OGOD, of good the unfathomed Sea ! [thee,
Who would not give his heart to Who would not love thee with his
might ? Jesu, Lover of mankind ! Who would not his whole soul and
mind, With all his strength to thee unite ?
��Fountain of Good ! All blessing
flows From thee ; no want thy fullness
knows ; What but thyself can'st thou desire ? Yes ; self-sufficing as thou art, Thou dost desire my worthless heart; This, only this, dost thou require.
��Hell's armies tremble at thy nod, And trembling own the Almightv
God, Sovereign of earth, hell, air and sky ! But who is this, that comes from far, Whose garments rolled in blood
appear ? 'Tis God made Man, for man to die !
��God, of good the unfathomed Sea \ Who would not give his heart to
thee, Who would not love thee with his
might ? Jesu, Lover of mankind ! Who would not his whole soul and
��With all his strength to thee unite ?
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