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MARION. (S.M., with refrain.) 𝅗𝅥=100. Arthur Henry Messiter (1834-

Edward Hayes Plumitre (1821-1891).

REJOICE, ye pure in heart, Rejoice, give thanks and sing; Your festal banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your King.
Bright youth and snow-crowned age. Strong men and maidens meek. Raise high your free, exulting song, God's wondrous praises speak.
With all the angel choirs, With all the saints on earth, Pour out the strains of joy and bliss, True rapture, noblest mirth.
With voice as full and strong As ocean's surging praise, Send forth the hymns our fathers loved, The psalms of ancient days.
Yes on, through life's long path, Still chanting as we go; From youth to age, by night and day. In gladness and in woe.
Still lift your standard high, Still march in firm array. As warriors through the darkness toil Till dawns the golden day.
At last the march shall end. The wearied ones shall rest. The pilgrims find their Father's house, Jerusalem the blest.