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SELMA. (S.M.) đ…—đ…„ = 76.

R. A. Smith's Sacred Music (1825).

See also St. George, No. 211, part 1.

? Bayard Taylor (1825-1878).

NOT so in haste, my heart!Have faith in God and wait;Although he seems to linger long, He never comes too late.
 He never comes too late, He knoweth what is best;Vex not thyself—it is in vain; Until he cometh, rest.
 Until he cometh, rest, Nor grudge the hours that roll;The feet that wait for God—'tis they Are soonest at the goal.
 Are soonest at the goal That is not gained by speed,Then hold thee still, restless heart, For I shall wait his lead.