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REQUIESCAT. (7 7. 7 7. 8 8.) 𝅗𝅥 = 76.
John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876)
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John Ellerton (1826-1893).
NOW the labourer's task is o'er; Now the battle day is past; Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last.
Father, in thy gracious keeping Leave we now thy servant sleeping.
There the tears of earth are dried; There its hidden things are clear; There the work of life is tried By a juster Judge than here.
There the sinful souls, that turn To the Cross their dying eyes, All the love of Christ shall learn At his feet in Paradise.
There no more the powers of hell Can prevail to mar their peace; Christ the Lord shall guard them well, He who died for their release.
Earth to earth, and dust to dust,' Calmly now the words we say; Leaving him to sleep in trust Till the Resurrection-day.