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�� ��Tlicy the bless -id ones

Wei - eom-ing An - gels

As a Priest, with

God the 8pi - rit so

��gone Ijc - • foi'o,

these that shine,

God - up - lift - cd eyes, hold us up






��He That






��• Cj'_e •



��They the bles - sed for cv - er - more; Out

Your own An - gel, and yours, and mine; "Who

of - fers for us liis Sac - li - ficc; As the Lamb

we may drink of Je - su's cup; God


��of great tri - bu -

liavo hedged us.Jjoth

of God, for

Al - migli - ty,


��i-Ji 1 J— J — ^;^— ^-1 — '. P — i 1 •]! — • — i i 1 i-

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��la - tionthey went Home to their Jjome of heaven con - tent,

day and night On the left hand and on the right,

sin - ncrs slain, That we too may live, lie lives a - gain.

God Three in One, God Al - migh - ty, God a - lone. A - men.




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