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VATER UNSER. (8 8. 8 8. 8 8.) 𝅗𝅥 = 54.
(?) Martin Luther (1483-1546).
Harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach.
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Martin Luther (1483-1546).
Catherine Winkworth (1829-1878).
Bater unfer im Himmelreich.
OUR Father, thou in Heaven above,
Who biddest us to dwell in love,
As brethren of one family,
And cry for all we need to thee;
Teach us to mean the words we say,
And from the inmost heart to pray.
All hallowed be thy name, Lord!
Oh let us firmly keep thy word,
And lead, according to thy name,
A holy life, untouch'd by blame;
Let no false teachings do us hurt—
All poor deluded souls convert.