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ETON COLLEGE. (8 7. 8 7.4 7.) 𝅗𝅥=84. Joseph Barnby (1838-1806).

Henry James Buckoll. (1803-1871).

Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Thanks for mercies past receive; Pardon all, their faults confessing Time that 's lost may all retrieve;    May thy children Ne'er again thy Spirit grieve.
Bless thou all our days of leisure Help us selfish lures to flee; Sanctify our every pleasure,   Pure and blameless let it be;    May our gladness Draw us evermore to thee.
By thy kindly influence cherish All the good we here have gained; May all taint of evil perish By thy mightier power restrained;    Seek we ever Knowledge pure and love unfeigned.
Let thy father hand be shielding All who here shall meet no more; May their seed-time past be yielding Year by year a richer store;    Those returning, Make more faithful than before.