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INTERCESSION. (7 5. 7 5. d. S S.) 𝅗𝅥=88. Author:William Hutchins Callcott (1807-1882).
(The last two lines from Men-delssohn's) Elijah.)

Horatius Bonar (1808-1889).
WHEN the weary, seeking rest,   To thy goodness flee; When the heavy-laden cast   All their load on thee; When the troubled , seeking peace,   On thy Name shall call ; When the sinner, seeking life,   At thy feet shall fall: Hear then in love, Lord, the cry. In heaven, thy dwelling-place on high.
When the worldling, sick at heart,   Lifts his soul above; When the prodigal looks back   To his Father's love ; When the proud man from his pride   Stoops to seek thy face ; When the burdened brings his guilt   To thy throne of grace : Hear then in love, Lord, the cry, In heaven, thy dwelling-place on high.